Daily Hope Devotionals - Depression

Jesus Came for the Brokenhearted

Any idea where the phrase “broken heart” comes from? It comes from the Bible and is thousands of years old. In Psalm 69:20, David said: “Scorn has broken my heart and has left me helpless” … Continue reading Jesus Came for the Brokenhearted

10 Signs You’re Emotionally Exhausted

Everyone goes through times where their emotional tanks are empty—even great heroes of the Bible. Consider the experience of Elijah, one of the most important prophets in the history of Israel. After a highlight of … Continue reading 10 Signs You’re Emotionally Exhausted

God Can Handle Your Honesty

You’ve just had an awful setback. You’ve lost a job. You’ve ended a relationship. You’ve failed in some way. What do you next? Do you just grin and bear it? Do you tell God what … Continue reading God Can Handle Your Honesty

Three Things to Avoid When You’re Angry

We all get angry from time to time. We may handle it differently, but none of us can escape the emotion entirely. But just because we get angry doesn’t mean we’re sinning. The Bible says, … Continue reading Three Things to Avoid When You’re Angry