Radio teaching Series

The Invisible War

Why is everything in life so hard? Why does doing the right thing often feel like a battle? In this series, Pastor Rick shares insights from God’s Word about the unseen spiritual forces working against us; the invisible war between good and evil. This series will help you win the battle within.

November 21, 2014

Never Fight Your Battles Undressed, Part 3

How do you put on the full armor of God? Pastor Rick teaches you do it through prayer. Prayer is how we fight the battle! And just as in getting dressed for your day, the best time to pray for the battle ahead—the best time to put on your spiritual armor—is before you even set foot out the door.

November 20, 2014

Never Fight Your Battles Undressed, Part 2

If you’re going to win spiritual battles over doubt, discouragement, depression, and defeat, you’ve got to learn how to control your thoughts. The helmet of salvation helps you see that the truth about you is what God says about you, not what someone else says. If you’ve ever felt mislabeled by others, join Pastor Rick as he teaches you how to submit your thoughts to God.

November 19, 2014

Never Fight Your Battles Undressed, Part 1

We’ve all been born into a battlefield. An invisible, cosmic war is going on all around us. No matter who we are, we are part of this eternal warfare. But the Bible tells us that we’re not alone in this battle. God is with us, and Jesus has already won the battle. Pastor Rick teaches that our fight is not FOR victory; our fight is FROM victory.

November 18, 2014

When Your World Falls Apart, Part 3

One of the challenges of living in a broken world is that it will fall apart on us at some point. If you think your life is beyond repair, you’re wrong. If you think that your best days are all behind you, you’re wrong. If you think it’s impossible for God to bring good out of bad, you’re wrong. No matter how broken your life may seem, no matter how badly things have fallen apart, Jesus can make you whole again.

November 17, 2014

When Your World Falls Apart, Part 2

No matter what you’re going through, no matter what’s happened in your life, God isn’t through with you. You don’t have to be afraid. He’s never going to leave you or forsake you. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains that God can hear your cries for help, no matter how deep the well seems.

November 14, 2014

When Your World Falls Apart, Part 1

God wants you to know he can handle your anger, your gripes and your grief. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches that, if we don’t talk out our emotions with God, we’ll end up taking them out somewhere else. When you feel like your world is falling apart, the first step toward recovery is getting good and honest with God about how you feel.

November 13, 2014

Being Faithful In A Faithless World, Part 3

God uses shortages to test our generosity and to grow our faith. It’s easy to be generous when you have a lot. But faithful people are generous even when they don’t have a lot. God will multiply the little you have when you trust Him with it. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches that when you do all God tells you to do, he does what you can’t, and he’ll give it back to you in abundance.

November 12, 2014

Being Faithful In A Faithless World, Part 2

In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches that when we use what God has given us to help others, we show our faith in God. You show him you can be trusted with the things he gives you and that you’re developing one of his characteristics: Generosity.

November 11, 2014

Being Faithful In A Faithless World, Part 1

The Bible tells us God is looking for people with faith but that faithful people are hard to find. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick will encourage you to trust God when it comes to your finances, your health, your job, and your relationships.

November 10, 2014

Why Is Life In This World So Hard? Part 3

When you get closer to God, his light reveals the reality of sin. We can see that it causes emotional distress and disappointment, relational distance and discord, financial difficulties, physical decay, deformities, death, and worst of all, a disconnect with God. But Jesus says we can take heart. He has overcome the world. He can fill the emptiness in your life and guide you through the tough times.

November 7, 2014

Why Is Life In This World So Hard? Part 2

Disappointment is a natural part of life – BECAUSE everything on this planet is broken and nothing works perfectly. But God doesn’t just leave us alone to sort it all out. The Good News is that God knows we’re in a mess and that’s why he sent Jesus to rescue us and to bring us home to heaven.

November 6, 2014

Why Is Life In This World So Hard? Part 1

Why is this world so hard to live in? The Bible says it is because we all want to be our own boss, saying, “I know what will make me happy more than God does. I want to do live life on my own.” But here’s the Good News – God has not left us here without hope. He sent us a Savior, his Son, Jesus Christ. When we choose God, he will help you make it through the difficulties of life.

November 5, 2014

Making The Hard Changes in Me, Part 4

Satan wants to establish a foothold in your life, and once he gets deep enough into an area of sin, he turns the foothold into a stronghold. Once that happens, it will be harder for you to take back control of your life. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick talks about strongholds and what we can do to protect ourselves against them.

November 4, 2014

Making The Hard Changes in Me, Part 3

Spiritual Transformation is a process of developing new habits over time. Habits become the building blocks of change and collectively shape our character. There is no such thing as instant maturity. It is a small, step-by-step, gradual, incremental process as the Holy Spirit guides us into deeper maturity.

November 3, 2014

Making The Hard Changes in Me, Part 2

Imagine what it would be like if you tried to live a perfect life, but the way you keep things perfect is by avoiding any chance of making mistakes. You’d always be paralyzed by indecision. The Bible says the answer to this is Jesus Christ. You don’t have to be perfect because Jesus is, and that’s Good News.

October 31, 2014

Making The Hard Changes in Me, Part 1

The Bible says rebellion against God broke everything in life. Before sin there was no death, no sadness, no sorrow, and no difficulty in the world. It was only when everything got broken that sin brought death into the world. But God has not left us here without hope. He has sent us a Savior, in his Son, Jesus Christ.

October 30, 2014

Set Free From Me, Part 4

Whenever we’re afraid, we need to turn our thoughts to God. This is how God’s Spirit sets us free from fear. The Bible says, “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.” For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children.” (Romans 8:14-16 NLT)

October 29, 2014

Set Free From Me, Part 3

We can become so focused on what NOT to think about that we end up thinking about it even more! The Bible teaches that the thoughts we resist, tend to persist. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches how Jesus helps us to shift our thoughts from negative to positive.

October 28, 2014

Set Free From Me, Part 2

You have the ability to say ‘no’ to sin. Do you hear that? The Bible says we do not have to sin. Pastor Rick explains how we can make the right choices as we respond to the Holy Spirit at work within us.

October 27, 2014

Set Free From Me, Part 1

The only way to make real change in your life is to let God change you from the inside out. You simply can’t make lasting changes on your own. Pastor Rick explains that the Holy Spirit is there for us, to help us overcome the self-destructive things we do that keep us from really changing.

October 24, 2014

Winning The Battle Inside Me, Part 4

Pastor Rick continues to teach from Romans 7, where the apostle Paul explains why we face temptation, how much temptation costs — and how to win the battle by doing what God tells us to do.

October 23, 2014

Winning The Battle Inside Me, Part 3

You may feel totally defeated today. And you’re thinking, “I just want to give up!” Pastor Rick teaches if you’re ready to give up, that’s GOOD! You can stop trying to do everything on your own because it’s impossible. You can’t live life without Jesus. But Jesus can empower you with new life.

October 22, 2014

Winning the Battle Inside Me, Part 2

As Christians we are born again with a “new” nature through the Holy Spirit, yet our “old” sin nature still fights for control. The Apostle Paul reached a point in his walk with God where he was totally exhausted because of the intense war going on inside him. But, ultimately, Paul’s testimony offers us encouragement as we fight the same battle.

October 21, 2014

Winning The Battle Inside Me, Part 1

God says when you come to him and ask forgiveness, he will be faithful to forgive. But God also wants you to confess to one another. Pastor Rick teaches that this accountability partner will help you to make lasting changes because you will experience someone else loving you unconditionally, accepting you, and praying for you.

October 20, 2014

When You Feel Like Giving Up, Part 3

In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches why it’s important to get your mind off of your circumstances and your problems — and to focus on God’s goodness in your past, his closeness to you in your present, and his power to help you in your future.

October 17, 2014

When You Feel Like Giving Up, Part 2

The Bible says there are two things that will hold you back as you run the race God sets before you. First, there are the things that weigh you down, such as unrealistic expectations or being stuck in the past. Second, there are sins, the things we know that are wrong but we do them anyway.

October 16, 2014

When You Feel Like Giving Up, Part 1

The Bible says there are two things that will hold you back as you run the race God sets before you. First, there are the things that weigh you down, such as unrealistic expectations or being stuck in the past. Second, there are sins, the things we know that are wrong but we do them anyway.